My name is Pixel and I am only 3 months old. My mommy's name is Lala and she loves me so much! She used to think that I am a girl but then the vet told her that I am a boy. She still loves me a lot. I love her too but sometimes she gets very clingy. Whenever I am playing, she just picks me up and starts smooching me. Oh and she also takes lots of my photos!
Sometimes when no one is looking, I like to drink cold water from their glasses. I have my own bowl for water & food but I like their glasses more. I like my chicken croquettes because they are very yummy. My mommy calls me a beautiful kitty. She also calls me a lot of things like Jannu, Janni, Bubbo, Guglu, Juggu etc. I don't know the meanings of these things but I think she doesn't know them either. She also talks a lot to me but I don't understand anything. But I understand one thing clearly which is, mommy loves me a lot!
I like to sleep a lot because I am a small kitten. I like to sleep in the big Salad bowl on the kitchen shelf but sometimes when I am too tired, I like to sleep on the carpet also. I like to play with people's hair, feet and her pajamas. In the morning after my breakfast, I feel very energetic and I go crazy! One day, I found myself locked in the bathroom (mommy didn't see my entering the bathroom, I am very fast!) and I unrolled this funny thing called toilet paper. After few minutes, mommy found me but she loves me so much that she laughed instead of scolding me. I think my innocent face is a great alibi.

I fall a lot! My mommy calls me clumsy but she is also like me. I have loads of toys. I have a catnip chew toy, a hanging feathered heart and a panda. But my favorite toy is my new track set. There is a ball inside which lights up and goes like a train inside the track. I try so hard but I never manage to get the light ball out. I am working on it everyday. One day I will definitely get it out! I will ask mommy to put my video for you all on this blog. I also have a favorite cushion. It is red and blue and white. Its very fluffy and I like to nap on it sometimes.
I am very happy in this home. When there is no one at home, I try to catch up on my missing beauty sleep. When I am awake, I like to discover new things. My mommy tells me that I have found her a lot of lost things from behind the table and from under the fridge. She is welcome! I also like watching TV. There are so many people inside it! I searched behind the TV for the door to enter but I didn't find anything.

Ohhh, mommy is coming!! She is going to call me chooo choooo pooo pooooo looooo looooo and hug me for one hour again. My name is Pixel but I don't know why does she call me these funny things. I tell you she is crazy but still I like her. Okay, I am going to sleep in my new box now. I will get a new basket next month to sleep in but trust me I like my salad bowl more than anything. Right now, my bowl is in the fridge (MY BOWL!!!) so I have to compromise. I will write back soon when I get some time from playing, eating, playing some more and sleeping. I may be a kitten but I have a very busy schedule! Meeeowwwwwww.........
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